Alex Tinson, Founder & Project Manager
Veterinarian, graduated from Melbourne University in 1977. Worked safari Park and private zoo in Australia before establishing a private clinic in northern N.S.W. Australia in 1981. Zoo animal interests led to specialization in camels. Race manager and Veterinarian for Bi-Centennial Camel Race in 1988, 3,336km across Australia. As part of a team led by Mr. Heath Harris, established the Scientific Centre for Racing Camels for the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi in 1989. The world’s first purpose built Embryo Transfer Centre for Camels followed in 1990. Last 11years in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates as Director of Embryo Transfer Research Centre for His Highness The Crown Prince Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al Nahyan. Along with the other director Dr Angus McKinnon, pioneered the world’s first embryo transfer birth in racing camels in 1990, followed by the world’s first frozen baby camel in 1995. In 1998 performed embryo transfer on pre-sexed embryos in a joint project with Camelot BioScience Australia. Co-wrote text book on camels ‘Camels a Compendium’ as well as a number of scientific articles. Author and creator of the character ‘Harry the Lazy Camel’. Founder of the HEF Foundation.
 Angus McKinnon, Advisor & Project Manager
Veterinarian, graduated Melbourne University in 1978. Masters Degree Guelph Canada 1981. Assistant Professor Colorado State University USA 1982-88. Currently partner in Goulburn Valley Equine Hospital as well as Senior Research Fellow Centre for Early Human Development Monash University Australia. Awards and publications too numerous to mention but include major texts, “Equine Reproduction” and “Equine Diagnostic Ultrasonograhy.” In 1989 led pioneering project on embryo transfer in camels with Dr Tinson that led to birth of first embryo transfer racing camels and later the world’s first frozen camel calf. More recently pioneered successful multiple foal births via I.C.S.I. sperm injection technology in co-operation with Monash Uni. Lectures and consultants extensively worldwide and one of the world’s top reproductive Veterinary Experts.
 Heath Harris, Advisor & Project Manager
Director and founder of the Scientific Centre for Racing Camels for His Highness The Crown Prince Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al Nayhan in 1988. Designed all the animal handling facilities at the Embryo Transfer Centre, which has enabled large numbers of animals to be handled in short periods of time. In 1990, co-ordinated the capture and transport by plane of 34 Australian camels back to the UAE. However more famous as one of the world’s top animal trainers and troubleshooters. The book “Movie Horses” by Suzie Jarrett pays tribute to his film and TV achievements. Films like “Man from Snowy River”, “Pharlap”, “Burke and Wills” , “Racing Stripes”, “Zorro 2” and the “Black Stallion” television series have made Heath a household name in the movie industry. Heath’s animal knowledge, management and organizational skills make him a vital cog in creating a dynamic practical organization.
 Greg Parker, Consultant
Greg Parker has been involved with wildlife for 38 years. Over the years he has developed what is possibly the largest private collection of Australian Reptiles in the country. In 1978 Greg took charge of herpetology at Healesville Sanctuary, then quickly broadened his interest to include all other animal groups. He was involved in teams instrumental in pioneering husbandry and breeding techniques for many highly specialized species such as the Platypus, Lungfish, Lyrebird and Birds of Prey. In 1985, after 7 years at Healesville, he established the Ballarat Wildlife Park in 1985 with his parents, Charlie and Val. The park is renowned in the zoo industry for successful breeding programs and has won awards and accolades for conservation, business and tourism. While Greg's initial love of animals came from venomous snakes, after nine trips to the intensive care unit with bites, he now focuses on crocodiles and marsupial breeding interests..
Dr Alex Tinson: athef@heffoundation.com Dr Angus McKinnon: amhef@heffoundation.com Heath Harris: hhhef@heffoundation.com Greg Parker: gphef@heffoundation.com
www.heffoundation.com www.harrythecamel.com
HEF INDIA Dr Kuhad Singh Dr Kuldeep Singh Dr Rajeesh Sambyal Dr Virendar Singh hefindia@heffoundation.com
HEF MONGOLIA Batsuuri Lhagva hefmongolia@heffoundation.com HEF CHINA Julie Zhu hefchina@heffoundation.com
AIM International:
Paul Docherty: 971 50 4486785
Phone: 971 4 2850294
Fax: 971 4 2858075
e-mail: docherty@aimontheweb.com
Dr Alex Tinson: Founder of the HEF Foundation
Phone: 971 50 4473212
Fax: 971 3 517677
e-mail: ahtinson@emirates.net.ae
www.heffoundation.com www.harrythecamel.com